The authors investigate forms of grassland management in the westernmost part of Hungary, in the cultural landscape of the Őrség region. On the basis of semi-structured interviews with knowledgeable elderly people in the region, they were able to reconstruct former land use from an ecological perspective and its role in developing and maintaining high biodiversity in grasslands, which are also valuable from the cultural and conservationist perspectives.Avtorji so raziskovali ekstenzivno upravljanje travišč na skrajnem zahodnem delu Madžarske, na obrobnem, vendar priljubljenem območju, v kulturni krajini regije Őrség. S pomočjo ankete in polstrukturiranih intervjujev s starejšimi sogovorniki, lokalnimi eksperti so želeli z ekološkega vidika ...
The research aim was to assess the dynamics of the North Adriatic pastoral landscape (Ćićarija, Croa...
For centuries, pastures were an important part of the European landscape. Grazing was widespread in ...
Republic Serbia represents one of the most important centers of geological and biological diversit...
Monografija obravnava polnaravna travišča, ki v Sloveniji in v Evropi, predstavljajo reliktno tradic...
Bakalaura darba „Dabiskie zālāji Vidzemes agroainavā: biodaudzveidība un tās saglabāšanas sociālekon...
The paper makes an attempt to approach grasslands with a holistic view: as parts of nature and simul...
In wet meadows a fairly high degree of biodiversity that is their characteristic was created within ...
Srednjeevropski ekstenzivni travniki so habitati z visoko biodiverziteto. Njihove površine upadajo p...
Cultural Landscape Drinkers for cattle For my bachelor thesis I chose the topic which is dealing wit...
V zadnjih letih pol-naravno travinje vedno bolj pridobiva večnamensko vlogo v prostoru. Poleg zagota...
V diplomski nalogi smo na južnem pobočju Donačke gore poiskali še obstoječe ekstenzivno gojene polsu...
Različni klimatski in biogeografski vplivi na vegetacijo so pogojeni z geografskim položajem Bolgari...
Transhumance is a form of livestock management including seasonal movement of livestock and people. ...
The traditional, low-input use of grassland in Central and Eastern Europe has provided high-quality ...
The post-communist countries of Central-Eastern Europe (CEE) when implementing agricultural and cons...
The research aim was to assess the dynamics of the North Adriatic pastoral landscape (Ćićarija, Croa...
For centuries, pastures were an important part of the European landscape. Grazing was widespread in ...
Republic Serbia represents one of the most important centers of geological and biological diversit...
Monografija obravnava polnaravna travišča, ki v Sloveniji in v Evropi, predstavljajo reliktno tradic...
Bakalaura darba „Dabiskie zālāji Vidzemes agroainavā: biodaudzveidība un tās saglabāšanas sociālekon...
The paper makes an attempt to approach grasslands with a holistic view: as parts of nature and simul...
In wet meadows a fairly high degree of biodiversity that is their characteristic was created within ...
Srednjeevropski ekstenzivni travniki so habitati z visoko biodiverziteto. Njihove površine upadajo p...
Cultural Landscape Drinkers for cattle For my bachelor thesis I chose the topic which is dealing wit...
V zadnjih letih pol-naravno travinje vedno bolj pridobiva večnamensko vlogo v prostoru. Poleg zagota...
V diplomski nalogi smo na južnem pobočju Donačke gore poiskali še obstoječe ekstenzivno gojene polsu...
Različni klimatski in biogeografski vplivi na vegetacijo so pogojeni z geografskim položajem Bolgari...
Transhumance is a form of livestock management including seasonal movement of livestock and people. ...
The traditional, low-input use of grassland in Central and Eastern Europe has provided high-quality ...
The post-communist countries of Central-Eastern Europe (CEE) when implementing agricultural and cons...
The research aim was to assess the dynamics of the North Adriatic pastoral landscape (Ćićarija, Croa...
For centuries, pastures were an important part of the European landscape. Grazing was widespread in ...
Republic Serbia represents one of the most important centers of geological and biological diversit...